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Coutesy of: Il sole 24ore. Leonardo’s Cenacolo and Supreme logo Blend: the winning strategy to enter the Italian Market, May 2021.

Supreme new opening in Milano
Corso Garibaldi welcomes the urban style

Today is the day, as somebody already mentioned.
Milan is tinted with red and white, and it feels extremely comfortable in her new shoes. In fact, the Italian city is going to be the protagonist of the first Supreme store opening in Italy.
After a pandemic attack and few doubts about the actual starting date, the border of VF Corporation, which includes in its brand portfolio also The North face, Timberland, Vans, and Kipling, decided for May 6th, 2021 as the big break in.
Why Milan and What about the insights around the launch?


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Credits: PoolGetty Images and HandoutGetty Images

The night is out! The fashion report on the Oscar’s Evening Wardrobe

More exciting than ever, this year’s Oscar ceremony seems to be the most glamour surprise of the season despite the social distancing and the, definably, more intimate dimension it carries. The heart of LA, as usual, the ceremony took place just few hours ago but its efforts, both in terms of style and elation, is going to be remembered for long.


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Gucci celebra con la collezione “Aria” il primo secolo della Maison

Cento anni di storia rappresentati in un cortometraggio dalla durata di 15 minuti co-diretto da Alessandro Michele e dall’ eclettica Floria Sigismondi
per celebrare il primo secolo della Maison


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Courtesy on O.Palermo Official Instagram Page, Sister Jane Offical Instagram Page

4 Spring Trends to keep an eye on in 2021

Which are the fashion style determinates to face the glam recovery?
Spring is sprung, even if the return to the scene has to be postponed for other months or so. But, honestly, should we need to be public to be glamourous?
As the doctors often say in time of allergies “I am going to prescribe you some antihistamine”, the suggestion from LuxuryJuice is to follow meticulously the advices which could result in a preventive remedy against fashion fails.
And since fashion forgives but does not forget, here is four eye-catching, promising trends.


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Courtesy of Vogue Italia, Versace Fall 2021 Ready to Wear

“Io non sogno un Versace, io vivo un Versace”

Da quando a settembre 2018 è giunta notizia che lo storico brand italiano Versace stava per essere ceduto alla concorrenza di Michael Kors per la modica cifra di 2.1 milioni di dollari, i fashion addict hanno temuto il peggio.

Cosa sarebbe accaduto alla medusa di terra più famosa del globo?


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Eleonora Altamore presenta “Cassiopea”: la nuova collezione 2021 ispirata al futurismo

Cassiopea è la nuova collezione 2021 della stilista Eleonora Altamore che prende il nome da una stella. “Le stelle ci regalano una visione romantica e misteriosa, luminose, lontane, accompagnano il nostro percorso di vita, irraggiungibili, ci regalano sogni ed immaginazioni terrestri ed extraterrestri”.


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Courtesy of Vogue Italia- Agnese Claisse for Dior Haute Couture S/S 2021-2022

Dior Couture 2021: le Château du Tarot

Grazie alle sinergie creative di Maria Grazia Chiuri e Matteo Garrone, Dior volge lo sguardo verso le fiabe; il suo scorgere non è disincantato e razionale quanto più nostalgico e romantico, indice di un sapere da tramandare e di una sensibilità da esplorare.


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Sanremo 2021 ha segnato il trionfo del Made in Italy

Lo scorso sabato si è conclusa l’ultima edizione del festival di Sanremo. Tutti i ventisei cantanti in gara si sono esibiti per cinque serate consecutive, sfoggiando look molto ricercati ed elegantissimi che hanno segnato il trionfo del Made in Italy sul palco del Teatro Ariston.


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Courtesy of: Vogue.it, Valentino Haute Couture’22

Valentino Haute Couture 2021: between aspiration and inspiration

For the second consecutive season, the artistic director of the maison, Pierpaolo Piccioli, decided to present the new collection in Rome, precisely in Palazzo Colonna.